Traveling between Guangzhou and Shenzhen just got a whole lot more convenient.

Travelers looking to take the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Intercity Rail can now scan-to-ride as if you were using the metro or bus. A mini-program called ‘Guangshen Chengjitong’ (广深城际通) allows WeChat users (so everyone) to pay for a train ticket by scanning their phone at the station.

Screengrab via Weibo

Railway authorities and WeChat developed the convenient transport payment method to improve the efficiency of the flow of travelers, according to a WeChat post by 广铁e行. The service, which officially launched on December 1, is expected to save travelers more than 15 minutes on average. Fortunately, you’ll no longer need to wait in line to qu piao (collect your ticket) when traveling between the two cities. It is worth noting that travelers who use the mini-program can only receive a second class train ticket, and discount prices do not apply, according to Southern Metropolis Daily.

Below, we give you a breakdown for ticket-less travel between these two cities.

1. Register with the mini-program

Screengrabs via WeChat

On WeChat, type ‘广深城际通’ or scan the QR code below to access the mini-program. Next, click ‘立即开通’ to enroll. A pop-up window will appear, asking for permission to use your phone number, click ‘allow.’


2. Pick a payment method and verify personal information

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The next page will ask you to pick a method for automatic payments. You can choose from your WeChat account balance or a bank card linked with WeChat. After picking a payment method, you’ll need to confirm your name and ID (or passport) number.

3. Registration complete

Screengrabs via WeChat

Once all of your information is verified, your registration is complete. We’ve learned that the registration process is slightly different for Chinese nationals and foreigners. For Chinese citizens, the mini-program registration includes an extra step to scan your face while foreigners will need to bring their passport to the railway station and scan their face at the station gate. 

At the gate, travelers will see the train number, and after scanning to enter the station, the train number and seat information will appear in the mini-program. After arriving at the destination, passengers will need to scan once more to exit the station, and the ticket fare will be automatically deducted from the WeChat account balance or bank card.

Currently, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Intercity Rail includes stops in Guangzhou, Dongguan, Changping, Zhangmutou, Pinghu and Shenzhen. Trains run every 20 minutes, on average, and takes just over one hour to complete the full journey.


[Cover image via @广铁e行/WeChat]